Friday, August 13, 2010

Long Time..

So I know it has been a long time sense I last posted, but it has been a little crazy! I got to Kyrstie's safely and the bus ride was REALLY cold but flying was fun!! EFY was good I was in a good group we all got a long and had fun together! It was great! My favorite part was the classes we got to go to. They were very helpful and inspirational! The dances I didn't think were as good as the ones we have here, but they were still pretty fun! I was a little happy to be coming home. On the way we were good until we left my Papa's. {It was really nice to see my cousins and have fun with em! And to be able to be there for Papa's BDay!} When we got to the border of Oklahoma the car broke down! we were there for 2 hours and then it was a rough drive home. But we were safe! Which is the good thing! :)